Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Busy Day

Here is a glimpse of what a busy day is in my life!
6:15 a.m. - Nurse Hallie
6:50 - Go for a walk
7:20 - Eat breakfast, get breakfast for Luke
7:30 - Get a shower and get ready
8:00 - Check email
8:15 - Dress Hallie
8:30 - Take Luke to school, drop off Library books in drop box
9:00 - Feed Hallie breakfast, get Micah dressed, hunt down the missing library books
9:30 - Go to Library story time, stop at Mom's to get plastic eggs for preschool party
10:00 - Story time, get books.
11:30 - Fix lunch, eat lunch, read books.
12:30 - Nurse Hallie, nap time for two younger ones
1:00 - Clean bathrooms with Lissa
2:00 - Clean kitchen, clean dining room, sweep and mop all hard floors
3:15 - Scoop younger kids out of nap, go pick Luke up
3:40 - Sit Luke and Lissa down and talk about tattling
3:50 - Get supper started for Nate to finish later (what a sweet hubby to make dinner once a week:)
4:00 - Nurse Hallie
4:15 - Put bathrooms back together
4:16 - Take Melissa to ballet
5:20 - Finish last touches of supper, eat
5:45 - Clean up supper
6:30 - Worship dance practice at church
8:00 - Give Hallie a bath, get other kids ready for bed
8:30 - Put laundry away, picking up
8:45 - Prayers with kids, nurse Hallie, kids in bed
9:00 - Check email
9:15 - Eat bowl of ice cream :)
9:20 - Devotions, then BED!

1 comment:

Noelle said...

I'm tired after reading all of that!!! You are SUPERMOM!!! =)